The Beauty of YOU

The Beauty of YOU

Hi, I'm Stormi.

Some of you may know me, and some of you may not. That's totally okay.

My goal through my blog is to inspire as many women as possible to dream big, release fear, and see the beauty they possess.

Understanding "my" beauty has not always been the easiest thing for me. Some days I feel absolutely fierce and other days I can find a new flaw anywhere. I recently made a post on Facebook about how I take 50 selfies just to tell myself I'm ugly.

Strange, right? Sure, yet somehow I feel the bulk of us ladies do this to ourselves. Why is that?

I feel it's because the world we live in can make us label a beautiful thing like character, as a flaw. When I was younger my teeth were crooked and I hated them, but my dad always use to say they were cute and they gave me "character". Any flaw I ever found, he said it was character.

Now at the age of 30, I realize just how much beauty is in our character. Those quirks we possess are what make us unique. No one can smile like you, and no one has the ability to be you. Only you can do that! There lies your true power and beauty! That's the BEAUTY OF YOU!

I'm just now learning to understand that type of beauty. It's the type of beauty that goes beyond how you look, its the kind of beauty you not only see, but you FEEL.

So many ladies reminded me of that kind of beauty on my post, and if you're reading this, I want to remind you of that same beauty. We all possess the BEAUTY OF YOU!

It was given to us before we were ever created. So beautiful girl, if no one tells you today, I want to be the first to let you know that you are beautiful, not only because of your physical features, but because you are you! Perfectly YOU!

So spread your wings and dream girl, you really can do anything.


  • Kim on

    This really spoke to me. I’ve never really had insecurities but sometime you do and can see every flaw in yourself. Some days you can and do question your beauty, mostly outside looks but I’m learning to LOVE ME! I’m learning to focus on me first and love myself not only outward looks. Through every flaw! Thank you for this.

  • Blessin on

    Stormi reading this really makes me feel like I know you know you lol!! You inspire so many women to be great & look at themselves differently in the mirror! I love all of your products hands down! The only I haven’t tried is your hair & I’m ready to do so now! I would love to be your muse! canvas girls will be all around the world because you have what it take to make it happen🙌🏾

  • Kayla on

    Your are a BEAUTIFUL young lady with a bright future ahead of you .Keep pushing and putting god first ❤️🤞🏾

  • Brenda Gale on

    Hi Stormi I’ve known you since you was a child. I admire the young successful lady you have become and you’re an inspiration to all women young and older. Keep being you, the sky is the limit for you.

  • Melissa Landrum on

    I would love to try this for my baby she have very dry scalps…

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