Our BABY is HERE! ❤️

Our beautiful baby boy is FINALLY HERE!
Our firstborn, ‘Chess Peace Beasley’, was born on September 2nd @ 5:04 PM.
New Experiences
Now, this is my first child. So I already didn’t know what to expect…
But the experience was exhausting.
We spent a few days in the hospital.
In total, I was in labor for 46 hours.
Like I said on my Instagram:
“I can say this experience has provided me with many FIRSTS”.
- My first time giving birth
- My first epidural
- My first scare as a mom (Chess got stuck - due to his size we experienced shoulder dystocia)
- My first episiotomy
- My first hemorrhage (it was severe!)
- My first-hand IVF stick
- My first blood transfusion
All in all, a crazy few days…
Especially because I hate needles! (haha)
But my husband Courtney & I are overjoyed that Chess is here.
We’re happy to be home together now - as a family - and to have been blessed with a perfectly healthy baby boy.
Thank YOU!
First of all, I wanna thank ALL the incredible doctors & nurses that helped me through this experience…
And I also want to thank healthcare professionals everywhere.
You truly make a difference in this world and I am SO thankful for that.
Please understand you are greatly appreciated for what you do day in and day you.
So thank you.
And I also want to thank someone else…
Yes, you.
You reading this right now means the world to me.
Supporting me, my family, Canvas Beauty… that’s the real blessing.
I’m so fortunate to be in a position to share Canvas Beauty with my Canvas Ladies and for you ladies to support us (and me) as passionately as you do. <heart emoji>
That’s why I wanted to write this little blog post today…
I really do consider you ladies a part of my family - my Canvas Family.
And so with this exciting news about my baby boy, I couldn’t wait to share it with all of you!
So to my Canvas Family, all the mothers and women out there who gave me advice and words of wisdom, everyone commenting support on my posts...
Thank You.
To All My Soon-To-Be Mothers…
Trust your instinct, trust the process.
No one knows your body better than you.
I’ve learned there’s truly no right or wrong way to do this thing.
Everyone’s experience will be different…
And it’s okay to have a birth plan that changes.
You do you.
Subscribe To Our Youtube Channel
We will sharing our labor and delivery vlog VERY soon…
...PLUS tons of other great ‘insider’ vlogs and video content related to me, my family, and Canvas Beauty.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel here to follow the journey!